Monday, October 12, 2009

Sayang Nono

Tertarik dengan entry kat blog ubye... tergerak jemari aku ni nak menaip dan post entry pasal baby (takdelah baby sangat pun)

Gambar yang diambil sewaktu Nono (bukan nama sebenar) baru berusia 3 hari...

Gambar ni pulak time raya baru2 ni... usianya dah setahun 5 bulan...

Nono tengah melarikan diri dari Pak Su nya hehe

tak sabar nak tunggu dia panggil nama aku... 'Archique Lan' hehe maybe next year kot


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Penapenis said...

mata dia sama dengan mata pakcik dia..

Lasykar Langit dan Bumi said...

Hapi-->hepi blogging gak

PP--->Mestila, pakcik dia ni yg jaga dia haha (boleh??)

GadiSGemoKPendek said...

aik...sushi king siney ya pok...

Lasykar Langit dan Bumi said...

area kuching, tapi sik ingat rah siney, lupak dah hahahaa

TenTanG Aku

My photo
I declare myself as an Observer; I love to watch the 'actor' in the real world... Their characters obviously different from one to another... Then I usually questioning myself, do I look like just like them? Maybe I just can't fit to voice what I feel inside, but this is the place where my fingers start to dance (variety dance styles), dance with the musics created by my mind... if I can't reach the stars above us, just let the stars shinning in my page... Here I am a 'lasykar', fight for myself...

ViSiT ViA Da LiNe