Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Bila aku fikirkan; "saya bahagia bila lihat awak bahagia, xkisah la dengan siapa pun"... Most of us would say it... But for me, sometimes I lied (betol aku tipu)

Xtau knapa perlu tipu (especially tipu diri sendiri), tapi itula hakikatnya aku... terlalu hipokrit di hadapan org lain, aku mudah cemburu bila aku lihat pasangan yg bahagia dengan pasangan masing2, namun aku xpnah ada niat untuk hancurkan kebahagiaan itu, sebab itu bukan hak aku atau hak sesiapa... aku biarkan mata ini menjamu sgalanya, walau hati xmampu menghadamkannya...

Maaflah kalau aku cemburu, dan maafkan aku sebab tipu tentang perasaan ini.

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TenTanG Aku

My photo
I declare myself as an Observer; I love to watch the 'actor' in the real world... Their characters obviously different from one to another... Then I usually questioning myself, do I look like just like them? Maybe I just can't fit to voice what I feel inside, but this is the place where my fingers start to dance (variety dance styles), dance with the musics created by my mind... if I can't reach the stars above us, just let the stars shinning in my page... Here I am a 'lasykar', fight for myself...

ViSiT ViA Da LiNe