Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Since aku dah malas & xde idea nk isi kandungan blog ni, ada baiknya aku kurangkan ayat... mulai hari ni, aku akan buat short entry jer la... lgaipun aku memang xde bakat.. sebab aku kurang

Yup, aku akui aku memang kurang dari semua aspek. Study, kerja, sukan, sosial, cinta, dan segalanya. If I have to compete, Top 3 sudah pasti bukan aku, ini kan pula nak jadi champion. Bukan aku berputus asa, tapi aku tahu, itu level aku. sekalipun aku rasa aku dh buat yg terbaik, tetap orang akan pandang biasa saja. Nothing passionate about me. Yup, Pasrah.

P/s: mood xde mood

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TenTanG Aku

My photo
I declare myself as an Observer; I love to watch the 'actor' in the real world... Their characters obviously different from one to another... Then I usually questioning myself, do I look like just like them? Maybe I just can't fit to voice what I feel inside, but this is the place where my fingers start to dance (variety dance styles), dance with the musics created by my mind... if I can't reach the stars above us, just let the stars shinning in my page... Here I am a 'lasykar', fight for myself...

ViSiT ViA Da LiNe