Saturday, September 8, 2012

Selamat Ari Raya laaaaa


lama pulak berehat yer... banyak benda nak update ni, dah terlepas bebeberapa scene plak. Never mind lah, aku start pasal raya je la. Tahun ni semua adik beradik aku balik beraya kat kampung bersama keluarga masing2.

Meriah? Giler tak meriah???? hahaha anak buah jer dah sepuluh orang, memang riuh rendah lah umah kampung aku ni. Seperti biasa, biar gambar jer story k :)

Gambar the whole family :)

Abah with married siblings (+ cucu)

Abah dengan anak2 (abg sam je takde)

Abah dengan cucu2. (yang depan sekali special sikit pose hahaha)

Abah dengan Keluarga Kak Nor

Abah dengan Keluarga Abang Din

Abah dengan Keluarga Abang Khair

Bila abah diajak pose hahaha

Sapa pakcik sapa anak buah ni??? aduyaiii

With my two lovely sisters :)

With my niece (Nono & Merah)

Anak buah aku yang tetiba meninggi... dush3

Dengan ayah kandung hahahahha (habis tuhhh ada ke ayah lain???)

This my great2 family


p/s: which part yang x best nyer raya ni?? xde pun hahahha

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TenTanG Aku

My photo
I declare myself as an Observer; I love to watch the 'actor' in the real world... Their characters obviously different from one to another... Then I usually questioning myself, do I look like just like them? Maybe I just can't fit to voice what I feel inside, but this is the place where my fingers start to dance (variety dance styles), dance with the musics created by my mind... if I can't reach the stars above us, just let the stars shinning in my page... Here I am a 'lasykar', fight for myself...

ViSiT ViA Da LiNe